Teenage girl

Violence in romantic relationships

Unfortunately, for a lot of young girls, their so-called perfect romantic relationship can turn into a real nightmare. The nice attentions of the beginning turn into violent behaviors. Progressively, the feeling of hapiness become fear, shame, sadness, guilt… They cannot see or talk to their friends, they are constantly criticized for the way they dress. Their boyfriend harasses them by text messages, they are insulted… Suddenly, they are no longer free.

If you happen to be afraid of your boyfriend, to not feel free to make your own choices, to be afraid to give your opinion, to find him possessive and controlling, or if  d’avoir peur de dire ton opinion, de le trouver possessif et contrôlant, or if he has ever threatened, hit or insulted you…

Know that you are not alone and that the violent behaviors are unacceptable. We are here to help.

How do you feel in your romantic relationship ?

Here are some questions that will help you think and question yourself about your intimate relationship.

If some questions reach you, it is possible that you are experiencing violence in your couple. You are not alone, we can help you.

  • Do you ever feel devalued or treated like an object ?

  • Do you feel like no matter what you do or say, it is never right in the eyes of your partner ?

  • Do you ever feel denigrated or humiliated ?

  • Do you always have to justify yourself on what you do and with whom you do it ?



  • Has he ever hit, slapped or pushed you ?

  • Has he ever pressured you to have sex ?

Jealousy, a proof of love ?

Did you know that jealousy is one of the most frequently used to justify bad behavior from a guy in their romantic relationship ?

If your boyfriend never stops acusing you  to flirt or constantly suspects you to cheat on him everytime you speak with another guy, maybe tell yourself instead that he is possessive and controlling. Jealousy, harassment, insults, critiques or threats all are behaviors associated with violence.

Don’t forget that nothing can justify violence, especially not love!

Protection scenarios

The goal of a protection scenario is to help you ensure your safety in a context of domestic violence.

Myths and prejudices

Even today in our society still exist a lot of myths and prejudices about domestic violence. Here are some examples.

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