The child can see his daily life marked by fear, threats, indifference or silence.
Youth intervention
A large number of children live in a family environment marked by domestic violence and this reality is not without consequences.
Youth intervention is defined as being the intervention in the broad sense offered by shelters to counter violence against women and their children, whether through the defense of their rights, accompaniment, protection, indivual or group interventions, follow-up, outpatient consultation, prevention, promotion of our services or screening.
Youth intervention has two components :
- intervention with children;
- intervention with mothers.
Intervention with children aims to reduce the consequences of what they are experiencing or what they have experienced. Regardless of their age, children and teenagers living in a context of domestic violence are also victims. Youth intervention helps children to remove their responsability against the violence, while working on protection strategies.
Mother-child intervention aims to work in alliance and partnership with the mother, in order to help her support their children and increase their feeling of competence as a mother.
Children, like their mothers, have special needs and specific intervention is required.
The objectives of youth intervention with children
- Reduce the impacts of violence on children;
- Engage with children a process of devictimisation;
- Strenghten child protection and coping strategies;
- Learn to distinguish power relations;
- Restore the child’s self-esteem;
- Develop and strenghten mother\child interactions. *the youth counselors can go at schools to meet children.

The objectives of the mother\child intervention
- Listen, equip and support mothers
- Consolidate and\or regain their parental authority
- Strenghten the bond of trust and mother\child communication
- Raising awareness among mothers of the consequences of violence on their children
- Stimulate mother\child communication
- Promote awareness and the implementation of empowerment strategies among mothers and their children
All of La Méridienne services are free and confidential. They are offered to all mothers and childen who are victims of domestic violence.